The travel Pages

Gerrie van Welij – Personal Webpage

Welcome to Gerrie van Welij’s travel pages

Hi, I’m Gerrie van Welij, and I’m enjoying the retirement life while pursuing my passions. My interests include travel, The camper life, spending time with my Wife and Border Collie, and staying up-to-date with the world of computers.

About Me

After a fulfilling career, I’m now savoring the joys of retirement. I’m an avid traveler, and I’ve had the privilege of exploring many beautiful places around the world. My Wife and My Border Collie are my loyal companion, and we love going on adventures together.

Hobbies and Interests

When I’m not traveling or spending time with my four-legged friend, I indulge in my passion for computers. Staying informed about the latest technology trends and exploring new digital frontiers keeps me engaged and curious.

Contact Information

Feel free to get in touch with me via email at You can also connect with me on social media: Facebook, Twitter/X, and Instagram.